туры в Беларусь

Jazz gigs in the Merseyside area. This gig list is produced as a free service to the local community
Bebop and Blues in open-air parks stages. Watch a full schedule of all Jazz performances.
Bebop and Blues in open-air parks stages. Watch a full schedule of all Jazz performances.
Bebop and Blues in open-air parks stages. Watch a full schedule of all Jazz performances.
Bebop and Blues in open-air parks stages. Watch a full schedule of all Jazz performances.
Bebop and Blues in open-air parks stages. Watch a full schedule of all Jazz performances.
Bebop and Blues in open-air parks stages. Watch a full schedule of all Jazz performances.
Bebop and Blues in open-air parks stages. Watch a full schedule of all Jazz performances.
Bebop and Blues in open-air parks stages. Watch a full schedule of all Jazz performances.
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Simplicity is somehow essentially describing the purpose and place of an object and product. The absence of clutter is just a clutter-free product. That's not simple.
About The Expo
This year's Architecture Expo will be held at the fabulous Hong Kong City Hall. The Expo is constantly developing and demonstrating effective cooperation between the development market and the architects. This year's record-breaking edition of the Expo will feature 230 exhibitors and 25 speakers from over 30 countries.
Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful
Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will be a distraction.
Visual communication
We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else even be here?
Visual communication takes place through pictures, graphs, and charts, as well as through signs, signals, and symbols. It may be used either independently or as an adjunct to other methods.
Try our new product
Bring a burst of colour to your home with our beautiful handmade planters
Shop these modern planters in different shapes and sizes, so you can enjoy fresh plants at your home all year round. The set includes three different sizes to hold a variety of your favourite greenery. Drain hole at bottom of each pot. This versatile vessel can also be used as a utensil holder in your kitchen. Please note that each planter is handmade, making each pot unique, with slight variations in size and color. Please contact the shop for up-to-date images of current stock.
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We offer a wide range of creative services. Take a look at what we can offer to your company.
1 день
We develop the main conception of a company according to the company's targets, and develop strategies of competitive advantage. We explore the dynamics of your market industry, competitors' cases, explore trends, and use new technologies for promoting your brand.
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2 день
We help create specialist portraits, develop ways of personnel training. We develop branding for new companies or rebrand products. Our advantages are company identity, packaging, brand auditing, copywriting, brandbooks, etc.
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3 день
Developing new products and business processes, timeline development, cost estimation, ways of motivation, documentation, and everything that is important for a company.
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Find the best format for you to get effective results and fast progress
1 день
We collect groups from 5 to 15 students and start new groups every month. Also, you can study individual programs with our teachers. See the prices of our special programs for newbies.
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2 день
You can study online with our teachers at any convenient time for you. You can choose your favorite tutor from all community members, choose the necessary subjects to exercise in if you want to get intensive classes.
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3 день
We develop special classes for kids to start speaking new languages with fun and no fear. All kids will be involved in intellectual games and the discussion process.
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Чудесный вояж по историческим и удивительным местам Беларуси, которые расскажут свои истории и помогут познакомиться с самыми разными гранями культуры этой страны. Почувствуем дух старой,доброй Европы. Средневековые города, древние замки, внедеорожные маршруты, зубры в Беловежской пуще, уютные бутик-отели, удивительно вкусная кухня из местных продуктов.


Термобелье, синтетические футболки, флисовая кофта, мембранная куртка, шапка, перчатки, штаны, носки для треккинга (или спорта), шерстяные носки, чистая одежда, треккинговые ботинки, темные очки.
Для сна
Туристический коврик (каремат), спальный мешок (с мин. температурой +3°С), зажигалка, купальник/плавки.
Упаковка вещей
Треккинговый рюкзак (60-90л), чехол на рюкзак от дождя, гидромешок для документов, несколько сумок для одежды и предметов гигиены.
Паспорт, деньги (и карточка), телефон, медицинская страховка.
Крем от солнечного загара, обезболивающее, индивидуальные препараты.
Личная гигиена
Гигиеническая помада, зубная щетка, влажные салфетки, бумажные салфетки, зубная паста.


Мы — команда единомышленников, мы верим, что путешествия должны быть захватывающими, активными и разными. Мы организуем пешие походы разной сложности для тех, кто хочет испытать новый опыт и разделить с нами нашу страсть к странствиям.
Мы планируем потрясающие маршруты
Вы в руках опытных путешественников
Познакомьтесь с новыми местами и людьми
Туры для всех уровней сложности


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Телефон: +375 25 692 00 11